Joyful Littles

Ages 0-5

Being "musical" isn't a gift reserved for a select few. All children all born with an innate affinity for rhythms and melodies. Children benefit from growing up with the ability to keep a beat, a sensitivity towards music, and an understanding of what the voice can do.

Raising the Next Generation of Singers

Anne infuses these classes with her passion for singing and her commitment to nurturing the next generation. We sing a diverse selection of beautiful seasonal music that is also tailored to the specific needs of the children in each group. Anne observes the children's interactions and reactions to the music, integrating the best practices from leading music therapists and educators. Children and caregivers will be singing, tapping, clapping, dancing, and playing instruments. Together, we’ll build a solid foundation in musicality that will enrich our children's future musical experiences and appreciation.

In these classes, we:

  • Let children express themselves freely, trusting that even when they’re not visibly participating, they’re absorbing the music.

  • Model engagement by actively singing and participating in activities.

  • Encourage comfort—nurse, cuddle, or take a break as needed.

  • Support each other with kindness and care.

  • Lend a helping hand if someone needs it.

  • Create a relaxed, “yes” space to observe and enjoy our children.

  • Understand that it’s okay to be late—getting kids out the door can be a challenge!

The Details

Anne also teaches this class to local daycares and preschools. Please email to inquire about bringing Joyful Littles to your program!


First Congregational Church in Boulder


Wednesdays at 10:30am; Free play after group until 12pm



registration is required; join as many sessions as your schedule allows

Have a Question? Click here to email Anne.